

Making my first array

$myarray = 1,2,3,4,5

Looping an array

$primes = @(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29)
for($i=0;$i -lt $myarray.length;$i++) {
    write-host "Prime number $i "($primes[$i])

Doing something with the array

$myarray = 1,2,3,4,5
foreach ($number in $myarray) { 
    $pow = $number*$number
    write-host "The power of $number is $pow"

Pipeline loop (foreach-object can be replaced by % )

$myarray = 1,2,3,4,5
$myarray | foreach-object {
     write-host "Step $_" 
(0..5) # makes an array from 0 to 5 
$mybigarr = (0..1000000) # makes a big array with elements 0 to 1000000
Measure-Command {foreach ($number in $mybigarr) { $i = $number }} | select seconds,milliseconds
Measure-Command {$mybigarr  | ForEach-Object { $i = $_ }} | select seconds,milliseconds

Adding a value to an array

$myarray = 1,2,3,4,5
$myarray += 6

Check if a value is in an array

$primes = @(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29)
3 -in $primes
4 -in $primes

Explicit array

[int[]]$myarray = @(1.2,3,5.6,9)
$myarray += "lol"

Just a bonus, an array with numbers from x to y

$oneToTen = (1..10)

Try to make a primary number generation function with argument -max primes

function Make-PrimeArray {
    param (
        [int]$max = 10
    $primes = @()

    $try = 2

    while ($primes.length -lt $max) {
        $isPrime = $true
        for($i=0;$i -lt $primes.length -and $isPrime;$i++) {
            $prime = $primes[$i]

            if (($try%$prime) -eq 0 ) {
                $isPrime = $false

        if ($isPrime) {
            $primes += $try

    return $primes

Giving it a spin

$primes = Make-PrimeArray -max 100

foreach($i in (0..($primes.length-1))) {
    $prime = $primes[$i]
    write-host "Prime number $i is $prime"

Creating an array with predefined length

[int[]]$numbers = (1..20)
#all zeroes
[int[]]$numbers = New-Object -TypeName int[] -ArgumentList 20

Byte array

[byte[]]$bytes = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList 1024

Split / Join

$splitit = "Tom,Alice,Bob"
$splitted = $splitit -split ","    
$splitted -join ";"

Hash Tables

Defining a hash tables

$scores = @{ 

Accessing a member


$scores["Bob"] = 3

Adding a member


$scores["Dave"] = 7

Removing a member



foreach ($pair in $scores.GetEnumerator()) {
    write-host $
    write-host "  "$pair.value

Looping alternative

foreach ($key in $scores.Keys) {
    write-host $key
    write-host "  "($scores[$key])

Looping without names

foreach ($value in $scores.Values) {
    write-host $value

Average score

$total = 0
foreach ($value in $scores.Values) {
    $total += $value
write-host ($total/$scores.count)

References: More Info

results matching ""

    No results matching ""